Thursday, August 9, 2007

Mercedes SLK better spelled P-I-M-P

Yep, that's the car I rented for touring Germany in September.

Allison and I are going to visit Nick and Heather and go to Oktoberfest. Mine drenk em biers.

I figured if I'm travelling on the Autoban I might as well be able to keep up with the rest.


sda said...

i just rode in one of those last week. one of my ex coworkers fathers bought one. he told us that he's wanted a mercedes since he was 30, when he got a record (a 12 inch ep)from a dealer that had the sounds of a crazy mercedes engine running on it.

pimp is right.

VeloCC said...

you will love it:) I grew up 20 min from the factory where most of these beauties are built. Never knew how spoiled I was, until I left:)